How do I create a Jumpstitch account to purchase Jumpstitch projects?
Your first and last name, plus email address are required to set up a My Kimberbell account. Address and phone number will be added to your account information during checkout.
Can I use my Bella Box account to order Jumpstitch projects?
Because is a new platform, you will need to create a new account. Once this account is made, you will be able to order Jumpstitch designs, Kimberbell merchandise, and The Bella Box all from the same account.
What do I receive in the Jumpstitch download folder?
The download folder will include design files in specified sizes and file formats (ART, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP, VP3, XXX), full-color step-by-step Directions PDF, plus SVG files for electronic cutting machines (if part of the design).
Why are the Jumpstitch files zipped?
Jumpstitch files are compressed or zipped, which makes it easier to transmit large files across the internet. Because each computer system is set up differently, you will be responsible to unzip the files for use. Click here to learn more.
I haven’t received a confirmation email with the download link.
Be sure you are looking in the email associated with your My Kimberbell account. Please add [email protected] to your email address book which will prevent the confirmation email from going to a spam or junk folder. Be sure to check all folders including the promotions folder in your email. Files should be downloaded to a computer or USB and not to a tablet or phone.
Will I be charged shipping fees for Jumpstitch purchases?
No, because Jumpstitch projects are a digital purchase you will not be charged shipping. If you make additional purchases, like a t-shirt, from in the same transaction, shipping charges will only be added for the physical product.
Will I be charged sales tax for Jumpstitch purchases?
Utah residents will pay sales tax for purchases from
What if my USB stick breaks or my computer crashes and I lose the designs I have purchased?
A record of your purchase will be saved to your account. Should you need to download the project again because you are working from a new computer, have upgraded your embroidery machine, or deleted the design by mistake, you may access the design from your account. You may also access the design from the original email link. This access will be limited to three downloads per design.
Please do not share design files you have purchased or allow others to access your Jumpstitch account. Sharing design files is a violation of Kimberbell’s copyright policy which constitutes copyright infringement under copyright law.
Can I make Jumpstitch projects to sell?
Yes, in limited quantities. All Kimberbell designs including Jumpstitch projects are protected by copyright, so please read the Kimberbell Angel Policy for complete details.
Can I order a product CD or USB from Kimberbell for these designs?
Jumpstitch projects are not available on CD or USB from Kimberbell.
Can I purchase a gift certificate for Jumpstitch projects?
Kimberbell does not currently offer gift certificates.